Updated June 26, 2023
The former "Advanced Rules" have been renamed "Regular Rules" and the former "Basic Rules" have been renamed "Novice Rules," with some changes to the rules for each. In addition, "Optional expansion rules" have been added, which use a new feature, the "Modifier chips".
Regular Rules and Optional Expansion Rules
- English: Regular Rules / Optional Expansion Rules [PDF]
- Français: Mode normal / Règles optionnelles de l'extension [PDF]
- Italiano: Regole Standard (per Esperti) / Regole di espansione opzionali [PDF]
- Deutsch: Reguläre Regeln / optionale Erweiterungsregeln [PDF]
- 日本語 : レギュラールール+オプション拡張ルール [PDF]
Novice Rules (for beginners)
- English: Novice Rules [PDF]
- Français: Mode débutant [PDF]
- Italiano: Regole per Principianti [PDF]
- Deutsch: Anfänger Regeln [PDF]
- 日本語 : ノービスルール [PDF]