
BABA Cards [03]  BABA no Shippo

|Players: 3-6|Time: 5-10 min.|Ages: 6+|

Just like ‘Buta no Shippo (Pig’s Tail)’

Set Up

  • Make a large circle with all cards (including Obaba card) face down.


Step 1
  • The first player takes a card from the circle, flips it over and places it face up inside the circle. The next player repeats this action.
Step 2
  • When a card of the same suit is placed on the previous card, players must quickly slap their hands down on the top card.
  • When an Obaba card appears, must slap every time.
Step 3
  • The last player to do so or a player who wrongly slaps the cards must take the pile of cards in the center as a penalty.
  • Any players who hold penalty cards must play a card from this pile (instead of cards from the circle) on their turn.

Game Over

  • When all cards from the circle have been played the player holding the fewest cards is the winner.


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