
Due to various circumstances, it has become difficult to continue the Kickstarter campaign for the new title "GACHIJO...
GACHIJO - Four Ninja and the Castle of Treasures: Episode 4
Today, I would like to write about the second feature of GACHIJO - Four Ninja and the Castle of Treasures: Ninja attacks and defenses with...
GACHIJO - Four Ninja and the Castle of Treasures: Episode 3
Today, I would like to write about the main features of GACHIJO - Four Ninja and the Castle of Treasures, which is launching its crowdfunding campaign in late April: a physical moving maze...
GACHIJO - Four Ninja and the Castle of Treasures: Episode 2
Our new board game "GACHIJO - Four Ninja and the Castle of Treasures" is a collaboration between Danish game designer Martin Nedergaard Andersen and Banana Moon Games ...
GACHIJO - Four Ninja and the Castle of Treasures: Episode 1
Welcome to the world of GACHIJO. My name is Hiroshi Maeda, creative director and game designer. In this "Designer's Diary," I would like to write about ...
Banana Moon Games will have a booth at Board Game Business Expo Japan (BGBE Japan) on March 23 and 24...